White Dragon Matcha White Dragon Matcha White Dragon Matcha

Sun Potion
White Dragon Matcha

A powerful antioxydant that prevent and reverse signs of aging.

88.00 €

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poids : 55g

Deep green, soft young leaves from shade-covered tea shoots are picked, dried, steamed and ground. The whole leaf is used and makes a sacred, antioxidant + nutrient-rich tea to be served warm or cool and integrated into daily rituals, recipes, meditations and magical moments.
Matcha is an excellent source for
- antioxidants
-  chlorophyll
-  sustained energy levels
-  may promote a sense of calm and focus
-  may enhance metabolism
-  may support immunity

Tea-trees are shade-grown in a naturally-cultivated soil, (without the use of any fertilizers, pesticides, chemical or organic amendments... just water, shade cloth, and some straw and leaves for mulch) in harmony with the forested mountainside where the farm is located in Nara, Japan. The minimal agriculture practices are intended to reflect the quality and signature of the surrounding forests and soil. 

Vegan | Sans huiles essentielles | Gluten free

100% Organic Matcha tea leaves (Ceremonial grade)

Add 1/2 teaspoon to your favorite cup or bowl and an ounce of room temperature water. Whisk gently  (we love to use our Black Bamboo Chasen) and fill the remainder of cup 2/3 full with water (warm or cool) and whisk in a zigzag pattern until frothy with love. Makes an excellent addition to smoothies, shakes, raw cakes and even face masks!
Contains 88 Servings

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