CBD Miracle Patch CBD Miracle Patch

CBD Miracle Patch

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a chemical compound from the cannabis plant. It's a naturally occurring substance that's used in products like oils and patches to impart a feeling of relaxation and calm. 

35.00 €


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8mg is the equivalent of using our 250mg Miracle Drops hemp oil once a day.

Unlike its cousin tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it's not psychoactive - it won't get you high.

Non psychoactive. Non addictive.

Gluten free | Sans huiles essentielles | Vegan

Medicinal grade hypoallergenic adhesive, Glycerol polyol, Oleic acid, Sunflower lecithin, CBD Isolate

DISCIPLE Miracle Patch is not a medicine - rather a carefully formulated topic application. Please follow directions carefully. In the unlikely event of any side effects, cease use and consult your physician. Keep out of reach children. Do not use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Body heat activates the patch - releasing 8mg of full spectrum CBD through your skin and into your bloodstream over 24 hours.

Place one patch on a relatively hair free part of the body (inner arm works well). After 24 hours replace patch in a slightly different location to allow skin to breathe. Any residue can be washed off with a mild soap.

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